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Overview of Corruption in Tanzania

Both past and current presidents of Tanzania have made strong commitments to fight corruption. Since the publication of the 1996 Warioba report assessing the state of corruption in Tanzania, the country has established a comprehensive body of regulations, laws and oversight institutions aimed at preventing, investigating and sanctioning corrupt practices. These include establishment of the Prevention of Corruption Bureau, a Good Governance Coordination Unit, and the Ethics Inspectorate Department. Although the public perceive corruption to have declined in recent years, possibly as a result of these efforts, both petty and grand forms of corruption continue to be present in political and administrative systems. Recent corruption scandals led to the resignation of the prime minister in early 2008. Enforcement remains limited, with anti-corruption institutions suffering from lack of staff, resources and coordination. Civil society remains to a large extent excluded from official policy
12 May 2009
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Overview of Corruption in Tanzania

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Chêne, M. (2009) Overview of Corruption in Tanzania. Bergen: U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre, Chr. Michelsen Institute (U4 Helpdesk Answer Helpdesk)

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Marie Chêne


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