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Anti-corruption programmes for young people in conflict and post-conflict countries

There are a number of anti-corruption youth projects in conflict, post-conflict and fragile environments. These projects have either been started by young people themselves, or by organisations wishing to engage with young people. Efforts have been helped by the growing use of Information and communications technology (ICT), social media, and crowd-sourcing platforms which allow for quick, cheap and easy access to a large number of people. This query categorises projects into four groups (i) building young people’s capacity, (ii) educating young people, (iii) youth movements and groups and (iv) community monitoring.

30 April 2015
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Anti-corruption programmes for young people in conflict and post-conflict countries

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Pring, C. (2015) Anti-corruption programmes for young people in conflict and post-conflict countries. U4 Expert Answer 2015:8

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About the author

Coralie Pring

Coralie Pring is an independent researcher specialising in good governance, security and gender. She formerly directed Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index and Global Corruption Barometer, and currently supports organisations globally with research, monitoring and evaluation support. She holds an MRes in politics from Birkbeck, University of London.


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